Letters from Dad: Matthew

It being summer and all (unless you just found this site and its December and you live in Maine and you just survived the ice storm and you’re real real jealous of all of us here back in the Summer of 0’13 where its been kissing 100 for weeks), I’m remembering summer camp. Not mine. I only went once. It was church camp and my girlfriend was hanging out with another guy and… well, you know, a bad movie.

But my son Matt did several rounds of summer camp: COMPUTER camp. So cool. (I suppose my equivalent would have been, what, battery and knife switch camp?) So being a doting father, I wrote him two letters for one of his summer experiences, when he was between 7th and 8th grade.

OK, these maybe aren’t as melodious as Jonathan Coulton’s “Chiron Beta Prime” but hang in there…

Here they are concatenated and re-keystroked for your viewing pleasure (since my original handwriting broke the scanner):
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